The Environment

We give you advice, take the necessary actions and procedures in the different areas such as: civil, administrative, criminal, etc.

Both companies and particular persons are legally bound in their diverse activities that imply the compliance of the norms and laws pertaining to the environment.

Between these, and as an example, we can find matters bound by the law of coasts, health, hygiene, manipulation of dangerous materials, water contamination, the production of renewable energy, the obtaining the ecological tag, the denomination of origin, obtain environment licenses and permits, sanctioning proceedings, the payment of ecological fees and taxes and the protection of the landscape scenery, amongst many others.

From a business perspective, we offer advice and accompany you at the time of initiating a project in order to fulfill and comply with the rules, rights and laws that protect the environment. We help you to know the financial options, the grants, aids and the existing subventions, to minimize the social and environmental impact (social corporate responsibility) and to get a sustainable development and self sustaining with your economic activity.